<p>Dr. Gyanendra Agarwal is Currently working as a Consultant in the Department of <span style="text-align: center;">Critical Care with </span><span style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://www.jaypeehealthcare.com/" target="_blank">Jaypee Hospital</a>, Noida. </span>He has done more than 1200 flexible bronchoscopies and about 300 medical thoracoscopies. He specializes in other areas of Interventional Pulmonology including EBUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound), NIV assisted Bronchoscopy and Whole Lung Lavage. He is particularly interested in managing difficult critically ill patients, including advanced techniques like ECMO. He has several papers published in various national and international journals. He has contributed three chapters in a widely read textbook on Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine. He is also a certified instructor for the FCCS course (Fundamental Critical Care Support) under the aegis of “Society of Critical Care Medicine, USA.</p>
Dr. Agrawal completed MD (Internal Medicine) and DM (Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine) from PGIMERChandigarh