<p>Dr. Sumit Goyal is one of the few neurosurgeons who is trained in Neurointervention. After he has done his DNB in neurosurgery from reputed Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, he went on to peruse his interest in Neuroendovascular therapy for neurovascular disorders. He has worked as a Consultant in neurosurgery and neuro intervention for more than six years at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital before joining PUSHPAWATI SINGHANIA HOSPITAL & RESEARCH INSTITUTE. He is an invited faculty in many national and international neurosurgery journals to his credit.</p><p> On the other hand, his main area of expertise in Vascular & Endovascular Neurosurgery (Ancuysm/AVM/Acute Stroke). he has excellent skills in micro neurosurgery for brain and spinal disorders i.e Brain Tumor, Spine Tumor, Brain Hamerage, MVD & other neurosurgical disorders.<br></p>
DNB (Neurosurgery).
Electroencephalography (EEG)
Nerve conduction studies (NCS)
Visual Evoked potential / Response ( VEP / VER )V
Brainstem Evoked Potential (BAER)
Somato Sensory Evoked Potential (SSEP)
Repetitive Nerve Stimulation test (RNST)
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)
Neurointerventional Surgery.
Society Of Therapeutic Neurointerventions (STNI)
Neurological Surgeon Society Of India (NSSI)
Society Of Neurovascular Intervention (SNVI)
Associate Member Neurosurgical Society Of India (NSI)