<p>Dr. Swaroop Singh Gambhir then joined as a specialist in Lok Nayak Hospital. Dr. Gambhir then did his Hand & Microsurgical Fellowship from Coimbatore. During this period of training, he attended many conferences, presented papers, participated in workshops and tutorials.</p><p>Dr. Gambhir is a member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences India and also an active life member of the Association of Plastic Surgeon of India.</p><p>He joined Sir Ganga Ram Hospital as a consultant in the plastic and cosmetic surgery department and is doing a lot of cosmetic surgery procedures. Dr. Gambhir’s passion lies in the aesthetic improvement and rejuvenation of the face. Revolumizing areas of the face by vertical lifting and micro-fat grafting transfer restore the curves and convexities of youth</p>
MS (General Surgery)
DNB (Plastic Surgery)
Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty)
Cheek Augmentation
Botox Injections
Thighplasty (Thigh Lift)
Breast Implant
Gynecomastia Treatment / Surgery.
International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)