Dr. Suresh Gupta is a Pediatrician practicing in New Delhi having vast experience as an infant specialist. He is currently associated as a senior consultant at the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in New Delhi. After his graduation, Dr. Suresh completed his MD in pediatrics after which he underwent intensive training in Pediatric emergency medicine and toxicology from the Albert Einstein University and New York Poison Control Centre. His special areas of interest are medicinal care during emergency situations, acute care, and clinical toxicology.
FACS (Plastic Surgery)
Treatment of fractures and other injuries in children
Child Development Disease Treatment
Health Checkup (General)
Infant & Child nutrition
Infectious Disease Treatment.
Pediatric Emergency Medicine & Acute Care
Clinical Toxicology
International Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Association of Plastic Surgeons of India
American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery.